Virgin Hair VS Remy Hair,which one is best?

There are high demands among women who are sent and received around the world. Women like to wear hair wigs, especially African-American women. Because their texture can be well blended with their own hair, and they can change hairstyles, they become more confident and more beautiful. Under good care, it can last longer.
Many people who want to buy hair products are confused about the distinction between Virgin hair and Remy hair. Now I am going to tell you the difference in this Blog. In this article, you will read: What is Remy Hair? What is Virgin Hair? What is the difference between Remy and virgin?

What is virgin hair?
What is Remy hair?
What is the difference and how to distinguish them?
Virgin Hair vs Remy hair, which one is better?
Common problems with virgin hair
What is Virgin Hair?
Virgin hair is chemically 100% unprocessed human hair, also known as Pure virgin hair.
Hair Wave: Straight Hair Deep Curly Water Wave Body Wave loose weave
Hair From: Brazil India Malaysia
Hair Type: Hair Bundles Bundles with Closure Bundles with Frontal

The Pros And Cons Of Virgin Hair
Virgin hair is human hair that has not been chemically treated. such as perm, hair dyeing, dyeing, bleaching, and drying.
It is collected from a single donor. (Donors can be India, Malaysia, Brazil, etc.)And all hair follows the same direction and complete epidermis, which means it is completely natural, healthy and beautiful.
The virgin hair sends more choices. For everyday wear, you can choose from simple or refined styles for special occasions such as weddings. Just change your hairstyle and color.
The most worrying problem for women is hair loss. Virgin hair consists of thick, firm hair that is not easily broken. The strands are flexible and their volume remains constant so you can easily comb without having to worry about losing your hair.
As long as you take care of it in time, virgin hair can last at least a year.
Perhaps the only drawback is that the price is more expensive. Due to incredible quality and purity, original hair is the most expensive hair wigs type on the market even when compared to Remy.

What Is Remy Hair?
The epidermis remains intact and all hair extends from the root to the tip in the same direction.
Hair Wave: Straight Hair Deep Curly Water Wave Body Wave loose weave
Hair From: Brazil India Malaysia Peru
Hair Type: Wigs Hair Bundles Bundles with Closure Bundles with Frontal
The Pros And Cons Of Virgin Hair
Due to its quality and reasonable price, it is actually one of the most popular types of expansion, and it is expected to last up to six months without any signs of wear and tear.
Remy hair may come from a variety of donors.
It is almost 100% natural and of high-quality hair, which means it will blend naturally with your natural hair. Remy Hair is collected in a very specific way to perfectly align the stratum corneum to ensure that the hair is more supple than other hair wigs.
The processing of Remy hair is very cumbersome, so its life is not as long as that of unprocessed wigs or hair wigs.
Some suppliers will apply silicone to Remy's hair to make it look healthy and shiny, which often misleads inexperienced buyers. Just a few washes, like the Las Vegas lights, sparkling, flattened after the wash, exudes dim hair, which will cause some controversy and strong emotions of the buyer.
Remy's hair has the same order of head and tail, and the hand feels smooth, but will still knot after a long time of use.

What Is the Difference?
1. Virgin hair and Remy hair both are 100% natural human hair. The difference is that the donor of Remy's hair used to dye, perm or bleach his or her hair while the donor of 100 virgin human hair doesn't use any chemical products. And Remy's hair needs to be rearranged but unprocessed virgin hair always comes as it is.
2. The virgin hair comes from a donor, and I mean from a donor, that is, one of the hairs you provide. Remy's hair comes from multiple donors.
3. Remy hair needs to be rearranged but virgin hair always comes as it is.
4. A simple way to determine if a hair woven contains chemicals is to smell the chemistry because the chemically treated hair emits a beautiful odor or a strong chemical odor.
5. You can see the color to distinguish, most of the wigs sold by some suppliers are dark, not pure black.
How to distinguish them?
1. A simple way to determine if a hair woven contains chemicals is to smell the chemistry because the chemically treated hair emits a beautiful odor or a strong chemical odor.
2. You can see the color to distinguish, most of the wigs sold by some suppliers are dark, not pure black.
Virgin Hair vs Remy hair, which one is better?
Is Remy hair or Virgin Hair better?
I think it depends on you. The original people will be more expensive than Remy, and you can choose Virgin Hair or Remy for your budget. Usually, the best hair extension for you is the most important.
You can purchase hair bristles of any type or color from queen at an affordable price. Whether it is body wave hair, curly hair, deep wave hair, Bundles with Closure, etc.
Common problems with virgin hair
1. Virgin hair can be dyed with minimal damage to the hair. Although it is best to avoid using excessively irritating chemicals, virgin hair can be brightened or darkened like natural hair.
2. Virgin hair will not be tangled or fall (if properly cared for). It is normal for the hair stitched on the latitude to fall off. However, when the weft yarn is intact, the possibility of falling off is small.
3. It is 100% human hair. You can curl and straighten your hair as needed. You can use the hot (hot) tool to straighten, curl, etc. Remember that virgin hair does not have all the nutrients that grow from the scalp. Thermal damage can cause cracking and drying. Therefore, insulation products or hair care products must be used.
4. You should treat the hair wigs as you would a real hair. Also, avoid using too much heat and product. Sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners are recommended.
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